Post Production – Shot Transitions

2 Introduction to Shot Transitions There are a number of ways for the editor to change from one shot to another. Each has its own rules and principles, and where best they should be applied, and have implications for the viewer. Again, these are general rules and principles which can be broken, but understanding them will enable you to break these rules with reason and purpose.

Business & Legal – Introduction

A videographer must be aware of the general business and legal obligations that apply to the video production industry. Whilst the industry is relatively unbound by formal legislation, there are aspects of videography which are governed by common law, as well as by correct business etiquette.In addition to these, the IOV’s internal rules and regulations are contained within its Code of Practice, the adherence to which is a condition of membership. Originally formulated in 1987, the IOV Code of Practice document acts as a guideline for its members.

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