Assesment Criteria – Glossary of Terms
Ambient Sound
General background sound
Audio Dubbing
The adding of additional audio (e.g. music) to a soundtrack
Auto Focus
The system and/or ability of some cameras to automatically adjust picture focus
Auto Iris
The system and/or ability of cameras to automatically adjust picture exposure
Balancing Audio
Also known as mixing audio
The intentional movement of the camera perpendicular to the subject
The intentional alteration of the height of the camera in relation to the subject
Colour Matching
Ensuring that picture quality from different cameras / sessions appear similar
Depth of Field
The portion of a picture between the camera lens and infinity which is in focus
The transition between two video sources with a duration of 2 or more frames
The natural ‘storytelling’ progression of a video
The sharpness of a picture/the act of causing a picture to be in focus
The composition of a shot within the video frame/the act of framing
Level Shots
Shots which are level relative to the natural horizon
Lighting (Indoor/Outdoor)
The mixture of lighting sources with different colour temperatures
Live Audio
Live sound as opposed to recorded or ‘dubbed’ sound
Mobile Camera Support Systems
Equipment other than a studio camera pedestal or tripod used to carry the weight of the camera and which allows the operator to move the camera whilst ‘on shot’ or recording. Systems include jibs, cranes and Steadicam.
Music Bed
A piece of music, sometimes low level, used to enhance a video. Mainly used in ‘corporate’ type programmes
The perceived speed at which times passes within a programme.
Safe Area
The area within the video frame which is considered not to be effected by domestic cut-off
Shot exposure
The relative darkness or brightness of a shot
Straight Cut
Transition between one shot and another with a duration of 0 frames
The movement of the camera either towards or away from the subject
The change between one shot and another
Voice Over
A piece of recorded speech used to inform the viewer or enhance a video presentation
White balancing
Adjusting the camera’s ability to accurately reproduce a picture in accordance with the current ambient colour temperature
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