Welcome to the IOV’s ‘Video of the Month’ (VOTM) page.

Welcome to the IOV’s ‘Video of the Month’ (VOTM) page. The VOTM competition has been introduced to help celebrate and showcase the great work produced by our members on a monthly basis. As the UK’s largest trade association for professional videographers, our members push the boundaries of customer satisfaction with their video and film productions on a daily basis, the VOTM competition helps us and our members to promote this very work.

Please check back here at the beginning of each month to view the next winning entry. The winner each month will be presented with a personal cheque to the value of £30.00 along with being able to promote themselves through their websites as “IOV Video of the Month Winner”. Full details on how to enter the competition can be found at the bottom of this page so good luck to all those who enter, and of course, Good Luck!!

The Rules

We’ve tried to keep it nice and simple but there are however a few important rules that we must make you aware of…

1. Video entries MUST be the work of the member supplying them. For corporate members, each individual who has contributed to the video must be outlined and credited with the entry submission.

2. Video entries MUST have been completed within the previous 12 months, no old work will be accepted.

3. Video entries MUST be uploaded and made available on Vimeo so that the shortlist can be added to IOV ‘Video of the Month’ Vimeo Channel.

4. IOV Members wishing to submit their work MUST make sure they have given the required permission for their video to be added to the IOV TV Vimeo Channel and obtained full copyright permission. Anyone failing to do so will have their entry excluded.

5. Video entries are limited to one video per member per month. Submitted videos may not be subsequently re-entered.

6. Video entries MUST be received no later than the 16th of the current month, any submissions received after that date will be included in the following month’s entry list.

7. The winner will be personally informed of their success by the 18th and publicly announced via the website and focus magazine from the 1st day of the following month.

8. Each month the lucky winner will be provided with a ‘VOTM’ questionnaire that they must fill out. This questionnaire will be required to provide us with the relevant information on the kit they used and how they approached the project for inclusion in FOCUS Magazine and on the IOV Website. IOV members are also welcome to provide a high resolution photograph of themselves (or their corporate logo) to accompany the Video of the Month feature; this will then be included on the IOV Website and in the following month’s issue of Focus Magazine.

9. Video entries MUST NOT contain material of explicit sexual nature, illegal or racist material, or material displaying cruelty or vulgarity towards animals or fellow human beings.

10. All video entries will be assessed with any eligible winners being shortlisted by Executive member Mike West and then viewed by the IOV Executive Committee and a single overall winner each month will be selected by the majority vote. The IOV Exec Committee’s decision is final and there will be no further correspondence.

Any question contact us

Any questions then to : admin@iov.co.uk

©2025 copyright IoV

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