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  1. 1. What are the TWO main characteristics of light which have an impact on the work of a videographer?

    What are the TWO main characteristics of light which have an impact on the work of a videographer?
  2. 2. Which one of the following statements is true?

    Which one of the following statements is true?
  3. 3. What is the approximate colour temperature of Moonlight?

    What is the approximate colour temperature of Moonlight?
  4. 4. At the higher end of wavelengths of visible light, our eyes can perceive blues and ultraviolet.

    At the higher end of wavelengths of visible light, our eyes can perceive blues and ultraviolet.
  5. 5. The Fequency or Wavelength of light is percieved by us as…

    The Fequency or Wavelength of light is percieved by us as…
  6. 6. At the lower end of wavelengths of visible light, our eyes can perceive reds and infrareds.

    At the lower end of wavelengths of visible light, our eyes can perceive reds and infrareds.
  7. 7. What makes ‘soft’ light different from ‘hard’ light?

    What makes ‘soft’ light different from ‘hard’ light?
  8. 8. With respect to types of lighting, the letters “LED” stand for…

    With respect to types of lighting, the letters “LED” stand for…
  9. 9. What is the approximate colour temperature of the sun at midday on a normal cloudless summer’s day in Europe?

    What is the approximate colour temperature of the sun at midday on a normal cloudless summer’s day in Europe?
  10. 10. An industry term for the bulb in a studio light is…

    An industry term for the bulb in a studio light is…
  11. 11. In relation to light filters, which one of the following statements is true?

    In relation to light filters, which one of the following statements is true?
  12. 12. The intensity of a light placed at 5 metres from a subject will be greater than that at 10 metres by a factor of…

    The intensity of a light placed at 5 metres from a subject will be greater than that at 10 metres by a factor of…
  13. 13. In relation to light filters, what do the letters “CTO” stand for?

    In relation to light filters, what do the letters “CTO” stand for?
  14. 14. A cylindrical attachment used for preventing light spilling sideways from a lamp is called…

    A cylindrical attachment used for preventing light spilling sideways from a lamp is called…
  15. 15. In a standard three-point lighting set up, the “Back Light” will normally be a…

    In a standard three-point lighting set up, the “Back Light” will normally be a…
  16. 16. What are the three basic properties of light?

    What are the three basic properties of light?
  17. 17. When filming outdoors in daylight using a manual white balance, how often should you re-set the white balance to compensate for colour temperature changes that occur as the sun moves across the sky?

    When filming outdoors in daylight using a manual white balance, how often should you re-set the white balance to compensate for colour temperature changes that occur as the sun moves across the sky?
  18. 18. Typically, what percentage of power used by a tungsten lamp will be given off as heat?

    Typically, what percentage of power used by a tungsten lamp will be given off as heat?
  19. 19. In relation to light filters, what do the letters “CTB” stand for?

    In relation to light filters, what do the letters “CTB” stand for?
  20. 20. The Key Light is also known as the…

    The Key Light is also known as the…
  21. 21. In a conventional lighting situation, the fill light should be approximately…

    In a conventional lighting situation, the fill light should be approximately…
  22. 22. A “Burnt-In Timecode” copy is commonly used for…

    A “Burnt-In Timecode” copy is commonly used for…
  23. 23. Soft Light is created by using…

    Soft Light is created by using…
  24. 24. If your camera is set to “Pre-Set White Balance” it will continuously measure the average colour temperature of a scene and adjust itself accordingly.

    If your camera is set to “Pre-Set White Balance” it will continuously measure the average colour temperature of a scene and adjust itself accordingly.
  25. 25. What is the approximate colour temperature of a 100W tungsten light bulb?

    What is the approximate colour temperature of a 100W tungsten light bulb?
  26. 26. Using a 3200°K preset white balance for an outdoor shot in strong sunlight will result in…

    Using a 3200°K preset white balance for an outdoor shot in strong sunlight will result in…
  27. 27. Black Wrap is used in lighting to…

    Black Wrap is used in lighting to…
  28. 28. If filming at an indoor venue, using a 3200°K preset white balance and the only lighting being provided by the venue’s Sodium lamps, which of the following is true?

    If filming at an indoor venue, using a 3200°K preset white balance and the only lighting being provided by the venue’s Sodium lamps, which of the following is true?
  29. 29. Which one of the following statements in relation to Kelvin values and colour temperature range is true?

    Which one of the following statements in relation to Kelvin values and colour temperature range is true?
  30. 30. In a basic three-point lighting set-up, the established convention is that the ratio of brightness of the key light to the back light should be approximately…

    In a basic three-point lighting set-up, the established convention is that the ratio of brightness of the key light to the back light should be approximately…
  31. 31. You are filming indoors using 800w tungsten lamps – but there is strong daylight falling on the set from a nearby window. Which TWO of the following actions will most likely result in a correct colour balance?

    You are filming indoors using 800w tungsten lamps – but there is strong daylight falling on the set from a nearby window. Which TWO of the following actions will most likely result in a correct colour balance?
  32. 32. Adding a neutral density (ND) filter to a lamp will…

    Adding a neutral density (ND) filter to a lamp will…
  33. 33. The over-heating effect which occurs when using lights or other high-powered appliances attached to drum extension leads which are not unwound is called…

    The over-heating effect which occurs when using lights or other high-powered appliances attached to drum extension leads which are not unwound is called…
  34. 34. Care should be taken when bouncing or reflecting light off walls, ceilings or other surfaces as the light may take on the colour of the reflecting surface.

    Care should be taken when bouncing or reflecting light off walls, ceilings or other surfaces as the light may take on the colour of the reflecting surface.
  35. 35. In a standard three-point lighting set up, the “Key Light” is normally placed…

    In a standard three-point lighting set up, the “Key Light” is normally placed…
  36. 36. The silver side of a reflector will give a softer light than the white side, and will raise the colour temperature.

    The silver side of a reflector will give a softer light than the white side, and will raise the colour temperature.
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